Songs that guitarists always get asked to play

If you’re a guitarist, chances are you’ve had someone request that you play one or more of these songs. Whether you oblige them or not is your call – but here’s a list of songs that guitarists are constantly asked for. 

Free Bird – Lynryd Skynryd 

The classic heckle most guitarists will hear at some point in their career is “play Free Bird”. The Southern rock standard consists of a fairly simple chord progression, so you can learn a few bars to shut the jokesters up. Or, do what we do…


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Mr. Brightside – The Killers

If you play in a cover band, chances are someone in the audience will loudly request to hear this 2004 hit. And for good reason – “Mr. Brightside” was The Killers’ debut song and was named “Song of the Decade”. 

Brown Eyed Girl – Van Morrison

As soon as you take your guitar out of its case you’ll likely hear a request for this 1967 classic. Find the lesson here. 

Mustang Sally – Wilson Pickett

Wilson Pickett’s 1965 R&B hit is still one of the top-requested songs for guitarists. It was originally called “Mustang Mama” before Aretha Franklin suggested it be called “Mustang Sally”.

Hotel California – The Eagles

Hotel California Fret Zealot

The oft-requested 1977 song has lots of different guitar parts – luckily Fret Zealot has lessons for them all. 

Oasis – Wonderwall

“Anyway, here’s “Wonderwall”’ is a popular running joke among and about guitarists. But with a fairly simple chord progression and a catchy chorus, it’s an easy one to have on hand for requests. If someone asks you to play Wonderwall, you can say “maybe”. 

What other songs are you always asked to play? Let us know in the comments! 



 What’s the difference between lead guitar and rhythm guitar?


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