Meet the Fret Zealot team!

The Fret Zealot team is dedicated to creating new advancements in music education technology. We also are guitarists ourselves! 

Here’s some information about us:

Shaun Masavage, CEO

Q: How long have you played guitar?

A: 15 years (only a few spent making any progress)

Q. What got you into guitar?

A. I had a fascination with the creativity of the instrument, artists, and industry. Nobody in my family played it, but it always inspired me. I was jealous seeing people be able to pick up guitars, jam, and create a bond with someone instantaneously through it.

Q. Why are you passionate about music?

A. I’m a technical person, both literally (engineer) and figuratively (very detail oriented). Music is built upon explicit rules, which appeals to my technical side, but allows for inexhaustible creativity. Layers and layers of ideas, adding in additional players and elements, it’s a wonderful tool for personal fulfillment for life. Even that isn’t just limited to one’s self, but opens up a new way to communicate with so many others, even transcending language and culture barriers.


Q. Who are your top three favorite bands/musical artists?

A. I have very diverse interests. I lean towards punk rock on guitar and classical on ukulele. For reasons I can’t clearly articulate, my favorites (not necessarily most played) are: Jimi Hendrix, Dave Grohl, Tom Morello.

John Tolly, CTO

Q. How long have you played guitar?

A. I picked up my first bass guitar when I was 13, so 20 years! (in some capacity or another)

Q. What got you into guitar?

A. My parents are both musicians, but I didn’t really know this growing up. There was always this dusty closet in our basement filled with big cases, and it was the ideal hide-and-seek spot. One day I decided to open one of the cases, and found a 1980 Fender Precision Bass. I didn’t know what I was looking at, but I tried to play, my parents got me a few lessons and books, and it became a hobby of mine through high school, playing lots of tabs, but never really getting a handle on the theory all too well. Since then, my parents have gotten back into music as the kids have grown up, and now have their own band! 

Q. Why are you passionate about music?

A. As Shaun knows, I have an internal soundtrack in my head, so I feel like I’m always listening to something, which helps me focus. (however since becoming a parent, a lot of the tracks have been replaced with ‘baby shark’ and the Moana soundtrack on repeat). Music is one of those things that can instantly bring back up memories (Good or bad), but itself is timeless. Who doesn’t enjoy a good groove,. and a song written 50 years ago can be scarily applicable to current events or feelings.

Q, Who are your top three favorite bands/musical artists?

A. The True Loves, The Strokes, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd (I tried to pick one in different genres, but not possible for me to pick a favorite between Zepp and Pink Floyd)

Alex Zorychta, head of product 

Q. How long have you played guitar?

A. Since I was 14. 

Q. What got you into guitar?

A. I started learning violin in school and realized I didn’t like any of the music for the violin, but I loved the stringed instrument. I switched over to guitar and never looked back!

Q. Why are you passionate about music?

A. I’m all about real, authentic connections between people. Music is a universal language that allows any two people to communicate much more than words. My favorite pieces of music are those that capture an exact specific feeling, and when you find one that resonates with you where you are right now, it can help you feel that you’re not alone in what you’re feeling– either happy or sad! The immortal pieces of music are those that actually offer different specific feelings depending on when you listen to them, especially changing meaning as you grow older.

Q. Who are your top three favorite bands/musical artists?

A. Ben Gibbard from Death Cab for Cutie, Chris Carrabba from Dashboard Confessional, Eric Clapton. 

Kaley Lynch, creative content producer

Q. How long have you played guitar?

A. I’ve been playing since I was 12. 

Q.  What got you into guitar?

A. Growing up, most of my family played guitar or were musical in general. My grandfather always had a few acoustics around the house, so I was captivated by the sound since I was little. When I was in middle school, I started listening to music on my own (rock and alternative) for the first time, and wanted to play the type of music I heard. I also started writing songs a little before that, and I wanted to learn an instrument to help bring them to life. 

Q. Why are you passionate about music?

A. Music is something that transcends all differences. It can help transport you back to certain times in your life and connect you to new people. I’m currently in two bands – a cover band and an original band – and playing music is my creative outlet and stress relief. There’s nothing like playing a song you wrote to an audience and having them respond to it. 

Q. Who are your top three favorite bands/musical artists?

A. Vampire Weekend, Beach Bunny, and Rilo Kiley. Both their lyrics and melodies tackle complex themes in a beautiful way. 


Shane Nolan, operations manager 


Q. How long have you played guitar?

A. 15 years

Q. What got you into guitar?

A. I was inspired by the ‘School of Rock’ movie with Jack Black.

Q. Why are you passionate about music?

A. I have always been inspired by the great music we get to hear, which has extended to finding great satisfaction in playing/ creating my own music and even music products.

Q. Who are your top three favorite bands/musical artists?

A. Green Day, White Stripes/ Jack White , Jimi Hendrix.




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